I AM writing in response to your article about the celebrations for the planned move for Foxfield School.

I was really shocked to read we are having yet another school relocated across the road, which is planned to be rebuilt by September, 2014.

The traffic here on New Hey Road is already chaotic during school pick up and drop off time.

I have to dodge the cars with my children in the morning after losing our lollypop man a few years back.

Since the relocation of Woodchurch High, the traffic has been diabolical, and we now read yet another school is being built for 140 children, in the same location.

As a resident it would of been nice to have been consulted about these plans and have our say.

What's the point of planning permission when we read councillors, parents, staff and children are all in favour, and celebrate like it’s already been granted.

Our views clearly do not count.

Emma Lally, Woodchurch