I WOULD like to respond to [council leader] Cllr Phil Davies' rather onesided account of Wirral's financial difficulties published in last week's Globe Mailbox.

While it is certainly true the Government has reduced the grant we receive, it ought to be pointed out that at least half of the £109m budget gap is entirely down to Wirral's own financial mismanagement, bad budgets, not collecting debts, etc.

Councillor Davies refers to the fact council tax benefit recipients are now required to pay a contribution of 22% of their council tax; however this was not a Government decision.

This was entirely a Wirral Labour decision, and leaves Wirral with one of the highest rates in the country.

When faced with a similar choice, Labour in Liverpool decided working age households will now have to pay a minimum of 8.5% of their council tax.

We could have done the same in Wirral, but Labour chose not to.

Liberal Democrat Cllr Stuart Kelly