A young Birkenhead man who had a cannabis farm concealed in his basement has been given a chance to turn his life around.

Liverpool Crown Court heard that Martin Simpson had been leading a dysfunctional life after developing a drug addiction aged 15 which led to him stealing from his family.

After being homeless he eventually got his own accommodation but debts led to growing the cannabis to sell and for his own use, said Neil Howard, defending.

When police raided his home in Seymour Street, Birkenhead, on November 8 last year, they found a trapdoor in his living room floor and the basement beneath had been kitted out as a cannabis growing operation.

"It was not a sophisticated operation but the police recovered five mature cannabis and 35 plug plants and two tick lists.

The electricity meter had also been by-passed," said Rob Jones, prosecuting.

Forensic analysis revealed that the plants had a potential street value of up to £5,300.

When interviewed 19-year-old Simpson claimed the cannabis was for his own use and the tick lists just showed people to whom he owed money.

But when his mobile phones were checked messages on it revealed he had been dealing, said Mr Simpson.

Simpson, now of Price Street, Birkenhead, pleaded guilty to producing cannabis and possessing cannabis with intent to supply.

Mr Howard said that Simpson, who has four previous convictions for possessing cannabis, has "made extensive efforts to re-evaluate his life."

Three weeks after his arrest his father, a long-term user of crack cocaine and heroin, died which significantly impacted on Simpson even though their relationship had been strained.

He has since enrolled at college to gain qualifications and is due to return to college in September.

Judge Clement Goldstone, QC, the Recorder of Liverpool, said that he appeared to be "making every effort to transform" his life and sentenced him to ten months' detention suspended for two years.

He also ordered him to carry out 150 hours of unpaid work, placed him under supervision for two years and ordered him to attend drugs rehabilitaten and building skills programmes.