A WIRRAL grandfather is hoping to transport readers to a fantasy world set far in the future as he publishes his debut novel.

John Hoyland, from Wallasey, has penned sci-fi ‘The Initiation of Lantos’ and after three years of work, it is finally ready for the shelves.

The book, which is available via Amazon, tells the story of humans being forced to live in a giant dome after damaging the outside world but ‘Lantos’ tries to figure out the truth about his dream-like life.

The 58-year-old began writing as a teenager but his passion was sidelined as his time was taken up by his role as full-time nurse for 20 years.

But now following retirement, the granddad-of-three is eager to find out what readers make of his first literary offering.

He said: “I have been writing for more than 30 years and have recently become involved in a couple of webzines.

"This novel tells the story of a time in the future where human beings live extended life spans because of genetic mutations and they live in a dome because of environmental changes.

“Most of life is controlled by a computer system but Lantos starts to ask questions about his world and sets out to find the answers.”

Now John is already working on a gothic horror novel which he hopes to release next year.

And he also has plans to open his own second-hand independent bookshop to fulfil a particular ambition of his.

He added: “I am probably just weeks away from opening Passionate About Books in Wallasey and I think it will really fill a gap.

"There are very few independent book stores these days so I hope it will be well-received.”

The Initiation of Lantos is priced £6.68 via www.amazon.co.uk.