WIRRAL pupils have proven they know they their tweets from their hashtags as they pick up a national social media award.

St Andrew’s Primary School in Bebington scooped the #FabSchool award, beating off competition from across the UK ‘Twittersphere.’

The school had tweeted about 32 children’s success at collecting Civic Awards earlier this month and Chester-based eTreble9 – Social Media Police decided to make the youngsters one of three weekly ‘fab schools.’

CEO Henry Platten said: “We were very impressed with the work the school is doing in creating a successful learning environment for pupils, including their positive use of social media! It is wonderful to see the excellent work schools such as St Andrew's are doing in leading the way in enhancing learning.”

St Andrew's will now go forward into the annual awards and headteacher Vivienne Woods said they were delighted to gain the recognition of the work they are doing with the #FabSchool award.

She said: “We are committed to tailoring learning to pupils' individual needs and the great progress we have made to date is testimony to the tremendous efforts of the pupils, teachers, parents and entire school community.

“The #FabSchool award is a great example of this and we were delighted to win it for using Twitter to celebrate 32 of our pupils collecting Civic Awards."