NURSES from The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre opened the doors of the charity's mobile chemotherapy unit to sixth form students at Upton Hall School.

They were educated on skin, breast and cervical cancers and how to detect early signs and symptoms.

Keen to dispel myths about cancer, specialist cancer nurses used bespoke equipment to demonstrate to the Upton Hall pupils how to check breasts for lumps and used a rubber arm to show how a cannula is inserted.

The girls then toured the mobile chemotherapy unit, The first of its kind in England and based in Chester, it is used to treat patients away from a hospital setting.

The nurses also spoke about the different types of wigs available to cancer patients who lose their hair as a side effect of chemotherapy.

Kim Barrow, head of chemotherapy at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre said: “We’re incredibly proud of our mobile chemotherapy unit and its successes to date and want to make the most of this fantastic asset, even when it is not treating patients.

"It’s great to be able to show members of the community the state-of-the-art facilities we have and how we support cancer patients and their families.

“With the summer holidays just around the corner, skin cancer awareness is high on our agenda so we’re looking for every opportunity to educate people about the dangers of not being protected in the sun, at the same time as raising awareness around cancer as a whole.

"The girls were very responsive to the session and asked some very mature, intelligent questions about the service.

"I hope they have taken away some useful information from their visit and they will spread the information they have learned amongst their friends and family."