CAMMELL Laird engineers have started work on the second phase of maintenance work on nine of the 13 ships in the Royal Fleet Auxiliary flotilla.

The ‘cluster’ contract was first awarded to the Birkenhead firm in 2008. Following reviews of performance and value for money it has been extended to 2018.

Chief executive Laird John Syvret said: “In 2012 alone we undertook five major refits in Birkenhead and numerous maintenance periods around the world – including the Bahamas, the Falklands, South Africa and the Gulf States.

“The contract has seen Cammell Laird provide a truly ‘global reach’ support service over the past five years."

Commodore David Preston said: “Cammell Laird has a proven track record in supporting the Royal Fleet Auxiliary on a worldwide basis – this ability to support the Navy wherever it is deployed is critical to UK defence.”