COLUMN Road in West Kirby was closed to traffiic yesterday evening as a major gorse fire tore across Caldy Hill.

The blaze covered around 800sq mtrs and billowing smoke could be seen from as far away as Wallasey.

Crews from three West Wirral fire stations were called into action at around 5.20pm and had the flames under control around an hour later.

Watch manager Dave Balmer, based at West Kirby, said: “This was a serious fire with the potential to spread across the whole of Caldy Hill.

"Due to the weather conditions the fire spread quickly and smoke could be seen from as far away as the Wallasey Tunnel.

“Smoke was also drifting across nearby local roads, posing a potential risk to drivers.

"We requested police to help with traffic management but prior to their arrival we had already safely closed Column Road and had diverted traffic."

He continued: “Grass fires of this nature are very serious with the potential to lose life and property.

"They can spread rapidly in these dry conditions and we investigate every fire we are called to and pass information to the police.

“We stress to all users of the green spaces in Wirral to exercise caution when disposing of smoking materials, disposing of portable barbecues and to report any malicious behaviour to police.”

Appliances from Upton, Heswall and West Kirby attended along with Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service's incident management team.