THE sub-postmaster of two post offices in Liverpool has today admitted stealing more than £175,000 from one of them.

Ajmer Singh, of The Rake, Bromborough, pleaded guilty to stealing £175,260 from Tuebrook post office between February and September last year and false accounting at the same premises.

He denied stealing £9,999 from Monument Place post office and false accounting in relation to that sum.

Andrew Alty, defending, said that it was not disputed that Singh had stolen a substantial sum but the defence wanted clarity about the figure involved.

"There have been concerns raised about Horizon, the computer system used by the Post Office, about how that sum has been arrived at," he said.

"When arrested he immediately confessed but had thought the figure was around £100,000," added Mr Alty.

He told Liverpool Crown Court that 34-year-old Singh was not under any illusion about the sentence he would receive.

Further remanding him on bail to await sentence in September Judge Brian Lewis warned Singh that all options including custody will be open when he returns.

The two charges which he has denied are to be laid on the file.