I AM writing this letter angry and frustrated. I have been riding horses all my life and this problem has certainly got worse over the years.

My problem is out-of-control dogs while riding my horse.

I ride out mainly on my horse with my nine-year-old daughter on her pony.

We have dogs barking at us, chasing us and some do this aggressively.

My daughter has cried she has been that scared.

This happens everywhere, on the beach, the road, the commons.

We wear hi-viz tabards so we can be seen from a distance but this makes no difference at all.

People still don't get control of their dogs and put them on a lead.

This is extremely dangerous as horses can take flight if scared and run into a car.

I am a dog-owner myself, so I am not picking on dogs just owners who don't seem to be able to control their animals.

Our horses are under control so please make sure your dogs are.

Sarah Joinson, Wallasey.