THERE will be among your readership people who need only a sniff of hot weather to make them reach for the coals, the barbecue fluid and the chicken legs.

There will also be those who enjoy sitting out in the sunshine, sampling the fresh air.

However, the latter activity becomes well-nigh impossible if you happen to live next door to those who routinely enjoy the former.

So could I please appeal to the barbecue community to ration their occasions of culinary incineration allowing us to breathe air untainted by billowing clouds of stinking smoke?

If nothing else, it’s worth remembering that there are people in this town who suffer from lung conditions, and such illnesses can make the acrid filth produced by a barbecue positively painful to breathe.

Not to mention the necessity of closing all one's windows when the neighbours are having a barbie, in order to prevent the inside of the house smelling like a burnt offering.

David Elsam, Wallasey.