IN reference to last week's article in which Cllr Jeff Green rightly lambasted as "perverse" the council for spending money to replace obsolete PCs when it is intending to cut free school transport for statemented special needs children in the borough.

While the council reasons it has no legal obligation, it certainly has a moral one regarding any citizens that are the most vulnerable in our society.

I feel Cllr Green is quite right, however, it's a bit rich: Job cuts at Remploy rendered hundreds if not thousands of disabled adults unemployed was a result of Cllr Green's Parliamentary colleagues.

While we have 'the big three' political parties in place we will always be served up the usual patronising, self-righteous, self-serving claptrap that passes for democracy, both centrally and locally.

I'm sick to the back teeth of policies administered in the manner of cod liver oil; "it's for your own good, just get it down you whether you like it or not".

NF, Higher Bebington.