THIS year sees another "Pirates for Ellie" event keeping alive the memory of seven-year-old Ellie Cook who passed away at Claire House Children’s Hospice.

Pirates for Ellie was set up in 2011 to raise money for the hospice in memory of Ellie, who was diagnosed as having an inoperable brain tumour.

After she died, her mum Linda, who works for Wirral Council’s housing benefits team, organised a successful "Pirate’s Day" which raised more than £2,500 in Ellie’s memory.

More than £1,000 of this came from Linda, her council colleagues and from New Brighton Primary School, where Ellie was a pupil.

This year, friends and staff in the Municipal Building, Birkenhead, will be taking part again.

And one of Linda’s colleagues, Lynne Hunt will be doing a "Jessie J" by undergoing a sponsored head shave on July 20, which has already raised more than £340.

Linda said: "After Ellie was diagnosed, Claire House's 'Hospice to Home' team were assigned to the family to provide Ellie's care.

"Instead of weekly hospital visits, we went to Claire House, to an atmosphere of fun and laughter.

"It costs Claire House £6,500 per day to run the hospice and they receive very little Government funding.

"Without them, Ellie's last 18 months would have been very different."

This year’s event will be held this Friday, July 19, coinciding with the end of school term.

New Brighton Primary School have already donated £150 - proceeds from their Christmas fair - to the charity earlier this year, and recently added £108 from the summer fair.

People are invited to take part by being sponsored for dressing as pirates for the day.

You can also sponsor Lynne Hunt, who says she is "walking her own personal plank" by having her head shaved, removing 21 inches of hair in the process!

Says Lynne: "Anything you can give would be very gratefully received. This is a fantastic cause and a great tribute to Ellie." 

You can donate through the Just Giving website or via