A BIRKENHEAD fashion store worker will carry a photograph of her much-loved mum when she takes part in Wirral's Race for Life for the first time next weekend.

Lauren Joynson is among more than 3,400 people who have registered for the Globe-backed event, staged in Birkenhead Park on Sunday, July 21.

The 22-year-old works at Miss Selfridge in The Grange and Pyramids Shopping Centre and is being sponsored by her colleagues, one of whom, Becky Dodd will be joining her on the day.

Lauren will have a picture of mum, Denise on her t-shirt during the run.

Denise was just 48-year-old when she died from cancer just weeks after being diagnosed – with the initial symptoms simply a swollen arm and tiredness.

She had just celebrated her birthday and Lauren's 20th in October 2010, when medics delivered the devastating news.

Lauren said: "She had a swollen arm, it had swelled up and was all puffy, plus she was feeling very unwell and tired, so she went to the doctor.

"She'd been healthy before, so we never thought it might be cancer. She was sent for tests and that’s when they discovered it.

"Initially she was treated at Arrowe Park, then Clatterbridge, then she moved back to Arrowe Park.

"Really there was no treatment they could offer, and when we found out there was nothing more the hospital could do, Mum came home, though she went back to Arrowe Park later.

"They've not really found out how it started: they think it was probably breast cancer, which then spread through her body - though it was a different one that eventually led to her death.

"It was all so sudden – she was diagnosed in October, and she died in the December. It was such a shock, as it all happened so quickly.

"Mum had two jobs: she worked as an escort on school buses for children with autism, and she was also a dinner lady at Well Lane Primary School in Tranmere, which is just round the corner from where we live. The school put up a plaque in memory of her, because the children and staff thought so much of her."

Lauren will be supported during the run by her dad Philip, a builder, plus her brother, also called Philip.

Joining her on the run will be best friend Rachel Williams, 22, plus other friends will be taking part in memory of relatives who have also been affected by cancer.

"I don’t have a target for how much I want to raise, I just want to be able to give a big donation to Cancer Research. And I’ll be thinking of my mum all the way round."

Last year, 3911 women took part in the Wirral Race for Life at Birkenhead Park and raised £173,895.

This year, organizers need 4000 women and girls to stride out to help raise £175,000.

So far, 3400 have registered and with just over a week to go, there is stlll plenty of time to join them. The entry deadline is midnight next Thursday, July 18.

Globe has been the event's official newspaper since 2006.

To enter Wirral Race for Life go to www.raceforlife.org or call 0845 600 6050.