WIRRAL Council is offering motorcyclists the chance to take part in road safety sessions. 

Bikesafe sessions take place on July 13 and 14, August 3 and 4, September 7 and 8 and October 12 and 13.

They are run by members of the Institute of Advanced Motorists and Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, and are suitable for riders of any experience or ability.

Statistics show that although motorbikes only make up around 1% of the vehicles on Britain’s roads, they account for around 20% of all collisions.

Cllr Harry Smith, cabinet member for highways and transportation said: "The numbers of accidents which involve motorcyclists are hugely disproportionate to the number of bikes we see on our streets.

"There is clearly still work to be done to improve the safety of motorcyclists and that comes from both sides – from those who ride bikes and other drivers who need to be aware of them."

For full details contact Wirral Council Road Safety Officer Kelly Hodgson on 0151 606 2147 or email roadsafety@wirral.gov.uk with your preferred workshop date.