THERE is just over a week to go until this year's Wirral Race For Life in aid of Cancer Research UK.

Taking place in Birkenhead Park on Sunday, July 21, the Globe-backed event raises much-needed funds.

Last year, 3911 women took part in the Wirral Race for Life at Birkenhead Park and raised £173,895.

This year, organizers need 4000 women and girls to stride out to help raise £175,000. 

So far, 3400 have registered and with just over a week to go, there is stlll plenty of time to join them. The entry deadline is midnight next Thursday, July 18.

The Wirral Globe has been the event’s official newspaper since 2006.

Laura Taylor, the charity's North West events manager, said: "We've still got a way to go, but I'm confident we will hit the 4000 participant target.

"Last week, 241 people signed up, which proves we're well on the way. 

"So please register and play your part by entering Race for Life in Wirral. Together, we can hit cancer where it hurts!

"There are over 200 cancers and we won’t give up until we find cures for them all. It’s fighting talk, and we mean every word we say. Cancer, Wirral is coming to get you."

Cancer Research UK receives no Government funding for its ground-breaking research but with help from the people of Wirral, the charity intends to bring forward the day when all cancers are cured.

Laura Taylor added: "We are very grateful to everyone who took part in Race for Life at Birkenhead Park last year and in the past.

"Thanks to them Cancer Research UK has been able to make progress against many forms of the disease.

“But the battle against cancer never stops and for this reason we need everyone to return to the fight in 2013 and bring new recruits with them."

To enter Wirral Race for Life go to or call 0845 600 6050.