WIRRAL-born children's author Jon Mayhew has helped launched a spooky summer reading challenge for schoolchildren.

He joined Year 5 pupils from Portland and Bidston Avenue Primary Schools to kick off the Creepy House challenge at St James Library in Bidston.

The Eastham-born wordsmith behind the Mortlock and the Monster Odyssey series of books entertained children with stories, riddles and descriptions of his favourite monsters.

Pupils were invited to create their own monsters, coming up with composite beasts like the Hamzilla; a creature with the tail of a bull, the body of a toad and the face of a hamster.

The Summer Reading challenge aims to get children reading six books and make at least six visits to libraries during the summer holidays.

This year’s theme Creepy House includes smelly stickers as well as medals for those who are brave enough to complete it.

Jon Mayhew said: "I had a great time launching Wirral Libraries' Summer Reading Challenge.

"Everyone loves a monster. A big, smash-down-a-building-and-roar, old-school monster.

"I remember seeing King Kong for the first time as a child and it thrilled and scared me in equal measure.

"It's so heartening to meet so many children enthusiastic about reading and I'm grateful that there are skilled professionals there to guide them to the right literature!"

Cllr Chris Meaden, Wirral cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: "Jon welcomed school children into his world of monsters and magic, explaining how he first developed his love of reading and introducing the reading challenge in a really engaging and fun way.

"I look forward to presenting the children's medals when we reach the end of the summer holidays."

The Summer Reading Challenge is now in its 15th year, and reaches over 750,000 children around the country annually. Last year an amazing 8000 Wirral children took part with nearly 4000 completing the challenge.

The Summer Reading Challenge runs until 14th September at all Wirral libraries.

For more information, visit your local library or go to www.wirral.gov.uk/libraries