AS the heatwave continues, Merseyside ambulance service has reported an 18% rise in the number of 999 calls from people needing help in sweltering temperatures.

North West Ambulance Service said it received 2569 calls last weekend alone, compared to 2163 during the same period last year.

With temperatures in the county reaching 25c, there has a marked increase in the number experiencing respiratory problems, such as asthma.

A spokesman said the majority of 999 calls are for genuinely ill people - but added some are for incidents that could easily be avoided.

Director of emergency services Derek Cartwright said: “We all want to enjoy the warm weather, but no-one wants an avoidable visit to the Accident and Emergency department.

“During the summer, we traditionally see a rise in the number of cases such as assaults and falls due to alcohol misuse, accidents with barbecues and children who go swimming in lakes and rivers, so we would urge people to think carefully about what they are doing.

“Our services are urgently needed by those who are seriously ill or have life-threatening conditions and the public can help us by not calling 999 unless it is a serious emergency and by taking care of themselves and others.”

The service has issued advice which it hopes will help avoid accidents:

Wear appropriate sun protection to avoid sunburn and sunstroke – remember hats and cover up children as much as possible.

NEVER leave a child in a car in the sun for any length of time.

Don’t go swimming in lakes, rivers, canals or reservoirs – some have unseen currents which can pull you under and the water is a lot colder than you think or would expect.

Keep your children safe when they are playing on scooters and bikes – provide them with safety headwear to avoid a head injury should they fall.

Barbecues and alcohol do not mix. Never use an accelerant to light the barbecue and remember the coals are hot for a long time after they have gone out.

If you are thinking of doing a spot of gardening, check your tools are in good working order and especially take care when using power tools or climbing ladders.

Alternate alcoholic drinks with water or soft drinks – in the heat you will be dehydrated and alcohol makes that worse.

Be extra vigilant when driving due to sun glare.

Mr Cartwright added: “The advice may seem straightforward but these are the types of avoidable accidents we see every day during the hot weather.

“By keeping safe, we can all enjoy the summer, however, brief it may be, and we can ensure that those who really need our help can receive a timely response.”