I WAS pleased to read that Esther McVey is always delighted to arrive at West Kirby station when returning from Westminster as quoted in last week's Globe.

Maybe she should observe the decrepit state of the station buildings on her next trip.

Has she seen the yards of flaking paintwork on the underside of the roof covering the platform, or the light fittings plastered with pigeon droppings and other muck, or the rail tracks dotted with empty plastic bottles, polystyrene food containers and crisp packets?

When she walks towards the exit does she walk over the flagstones covered in old chewing-gum?

If she arrives at West Kirby station on a rainy day, she will have to negotiate ankle-deep pools of water on both sides of the pedestrian crossing.

This situation has been around for more than ten years.

I'm sure Westminster Council does not allow such lamentable conditions.

Graham J Holden, West Kirby