I READ Merseyside Police are clamping down on dangerous and out-of-control dogs.

After yet another negative experience this morning, involving a husky jumping all over me, mouthing my arms, scratching me, grabbing at me, and another owner who couldn't get the dog back on lead, I have to say I am glad the police are doing something about this menace.

I only hope it targets the right people.

Dogs should be kept under control at all times, be it verbally or on lead.

Do not ever let your dogs race up to dogs it doesn't know, especially on-leash ones who might be frightened.

Definitely don't ever let your dogs jump all people and other dogs, it causes a lot of harm.

After several dog attacks over the years, mine are terrified of many dogs and I am becoming rapidly more frightened of large breed dogs.

Either get some training – or keep your dogs muzzled and on leash.

Gemma Ahearne, Oxton