I WRITE to you angry, frustrated but not in any way surprised by the new so called 'provision' for a charitable stall at Arrowe Park Hospital.

As an experienced fundraiser and previously self-employed businesswoman, I believe the very poor new location of the charity stall make it unviable.

Takings will be absolutely minimal compared to the last two stall locations.

Why, you may ask, am I unsurprised by recent changes?

Well, I feel it has been an agenda to utterly undermine all charitable stall activity at Arrowe Park.

This removal of a charity stall/kiosk from the main entrance area is all part of an extensive and extremely expensive programme called 'First Impressions'.

What a profound irony that is.

The first impression my St John's Hospice stall creates is superb.

Visitors, patients and staff from cleaner to surgeon are without fail delighted to see me and thoroughly enjoy buying themselves something nice, thereby helping raise funds for such a worthy cause.

Cecilia McCulloch, Wallasey.