IN response to "Dismayed of Moreton" I am a dog walker along the same stretch of promenade, as well as the stretch from Meols to Moreton.

I have the same complaint only in reverse. I walk both my dogs on a lead at all times and I am fed up to the back teeth of constantly having to watch my back for cyclists.

Not the families out with their kids, but the Bradley Wiggins wannabes.

You can't hear them approaching, they never give any indication they are there by way of a ring of a bell, or a shout, they never slow down as they approach or go past, or give any thanks with a nod or a wave when you do move out of their way.

They think they have some God given right to have exclusive access to the paths.

If I rode my motorbike in the same careless manner they ride their bicycles, there would be a public outcry at me, but at least people would hear me coming.

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