MERSYSIDE’S crime chief is set to hand out much-needed cash to community groups who help victims of crime or work to keep teenagers on the right path.

Police and Crime Commissioner Jane Kennedy has launched a new fund today which will allow organisations to apply for grants of up to £5,000.

It is expected they can then use money from "The Police Commissioner’s Police Property Act Fund" for activities that will improve community safety and help crime reduction.

Ms Kennedy said: “This is an opportunity for organisations who provide a wide range of excellent services for their communities, such as keeping young people safe and away from criminal activity, providing help and support for victims of crime and raising awareness of reporting crimes such as hate crime and domestic violence.

“£5,000 can make a difference for these groups who all work extremely hard in making Merseyside a safer place to live, work and visit.”

The Police Property Act Fund is an account where allocations are received from the sale of recovered stolen goods, or property that has been found.

If the owners of the property are not traceable, the goods are sold at auction.

The money raised is then redistributed through grants.

You can apply by contacting the Community Foundation by visiting