THE heartbroken family and fundraisers of little Amelia-Mae Davies have vowed to fight on in her memory despite their devastating loss.

The brave tot sadly passed away at the weekend surrounded by her parents Stewart and Angie and brother Carl following her battle against neuroblastoma cancer.

Two-year-old Amelia-Mae – or Millie as she was known – was diagnosed with the rare disease last September but it quickly spread meaning she was desperate for specialist treatment.

Her family threw themselves into fundraising the £250,000 needed to take her to New York for immunotherapy which is not offered in the UK and after a huge outpour of support from the Wirral community and beyond, the running total stood at more than £140,000.

The Globe backed the Amelia-Mae Appeal and kept our readers updated with her fight and forthcoming fundraising events.

But little Millie lost her courageous battle on Saturday morning at home.

Speaking on behalf of the family, her cousin John Murray paid tribute to the youngster’s “unbelievable smile” and vowed to raise awareness of neuroblastoma.

John, from Moreton, said: “Our beautiful angel lost her battle with neuroblastoma on Saturday morning, July 6. Nothing will ever replace the feeling she gave us - her touch, temperament, and unbelievable smile touched so many.

“We have been overwhelmed by the support of the nation. The family and fundraising friends will now strive to ensure more awareness is raised about neuroblastoma.

“We would also like to offer support to other families who are dealing with this horrendous disease. We will not allow Amelia-Mae to pass in vain. We will love you always, princess - shine bright baby girl."

Millie’s tragic death came just days after John and cousin Coren Forrest led a team of runners from Brighton to Alder Hey Hospital in her name. Liverpool FC hero Jamie Carragher and former Coronation Street actor Bruce Jones had also turned out to show their support.

The Amelia-Mae’s Fundraising Friends Facebook group had also championed her cause and fought to promote the campaign tirelessly.

And now a new group, The Amelia-Mae Davies Neuroblastoma Foundation, has already gathered support from more than 2,000 people in just two days.

Bernie O’Shea, from the friends group, said ‘Amelia’s Army’ would fight on in her memory.

She said: “Amelia’s Fundraising Friends are totally devastated that she lost her battle with this awful disease. We’re trying to come to terms with the loss but owe it to her to carry on with our work.

“Amelia brought her friends together for a reason and we will vow to continue fundraising in her name. We had a dream to save her life and now we will continue to carry on with our dream to save other children.”

Amelia-Mae’s family have invited anyone who has supported the appeal to attend her funeral on July 17 in Shotton. More details can be found on the Amelia-Mae Davies Neuroblastoma Foundation’s Facebook page.

• To donate to the Foundation via Paypal, contact