TWO Wirral sales assistants will don pink ballet tutus when they take part in Birkenhead's Race For Life later this month.

Bev Clarke and Nicole Harrison, who both work at Sayers in the town's Grange and Pyramids Shopping Centre are among more than 3,000 signed up for the Birkenhead Park event on Sunday, July 21.

But their fancy dress costumes could easily have been something much crazier if they’d gone along with 20-year-old Nicole's first suggestion.

Bev, 25, said: "Everybody taking part in Race for Life, which is in aid of Cancer Research UK, is encouraged to wear something pink when they do it because it's a real fun event.

"But I thought what Nicole wanted us to turn up in on the day was taking things a bit too far.

"She planned for us to be two halves of a pink donkey but I said no to that one right away. I think she had me down to be the back end and there was no way I was going to do that!"

Race for Life is the UK's biggest fight against cancer and the largest women-only fundraising event in the UK.

Both Bev and Nicole will be running in memory of family members or friends whose lives have been claimed by the disease.

Nicole, from Birkenhead, said: "I'll be remembering my mum's aunt and uncle, Marion and Albert, who both died from cancer.

"I was only quite young when they died but I remember them and will be thinking of them as I do the race.

"I've never done anything like this before and it’s the first time I’ve been in a Race for Life, so I’m really looking forward to it.

"I haven't done much in the way of training for it, which means I might start out running and, when I get tired, finish it by walking, or I could do a bit of both all the way round to conserve my energy. But whatever I do I am hoping to raise as much money as possible."

Bev, who lives in Birkenhead said she will also be taking part in memory of family members and friends who have lost people to cancer.

She explained: "I've had members of my own family who have died from cancer over the years and I also have a friend who lost her daughter to it at a young age.

"Cancer is a terrible disease which seems to affect so many people, so it's good to help raise money for research into it by doing Race for Life and I can’t wait for the big day.

"This is my first time in it and I’ve been training by going out on my bike. I regularly ride a few miles along the promenade at either Seacombe or New Brighton.

"I also walk my dog Wallis as part of the training. He is a cross between a Staffy and a Jack Russell so I call him a Strussell.

"I've been checking out whether I can take him on Race for Life and, if I can, I might have him wearing a little pink tutu to match the ones Nicole and I will be wearing."

The day before the race, Saturday, July 20, there will be a special fund-raising day at Sayers.

The Wirral Globe has been the event’s official newspaper since 2006.

To enter Wirral Race for Life go to or call 0845 600 6050.