WELCOME to Behind the Lens, a feature that shines a light on the talented photographers in our Wirral Globe Camera Club group.

This week, we’re looking at Neil Gillingham’s favourite images.

Neil is from Northumberland but now lives in Rock Ferry and despite always having an interest in photography he didn’t pursue the hobby until just before the Covid-19 pandemic.

Neil Gillingham

Neil Gillingham

When and why did you take up photography?

I have been interested in photography since I was about eight or nine but I never really had the opportunity to develop my interest as a hobby until a year or two before the Covid-19 pandemic. My dad has always been a keen photographer so it was an interest that we shared as I grew up. My dad remains very much involved in my development as an amateur photographer. He is very supportive and encouraging as I develop my skills and my individual approach to photography.

During lockdowns, I found myself, as many people did, battling isolation, depression and loneliness. On the occasions where we were allowed to spend time outdoors, I found great comfort and a sense of relief when I could pick up my camera and venture out into the wider world. Photography became a way for me to rebuild my life and my self-confidence, clear the gloom and the 'muddied waters' of depression and get out of the house to enjoy nature, fresh air and exercise as well as open spaces like nature reserves, coastal locations and outdoors in general.

A robin taken at RSPB Burton Mere

A robin taken at RSPB Burton Mere

What do you love about taking pictures?

I love the freedom and the overall feeling of well-being that spending time in nature can generate, especially the variety and the scale. The simple act of going for walk with a camera readily to hand and never knowing quite what you might see, has been very therapeutic. Having grown up near the north east coast for the majority of my formative years, I feel naturally drawn to the sea and to the various aspects of nature that can be found along the coastlines of Britain. I love being beside the sea especially its vast, untamed power and its mystery, which strangely fills me with feelings of calm and peacefulness.

Photography has given me a reason to get out of the house and to put my worries and concerns to one side. It is a major distraction from whatever else may be going on in my life. I forget whatever is troubling me and I look forward to the possibility of finding something special to capture. I also enjoy the later part of the whole process - getting home to see what images I have captured, editing them where necessary and then sharing them with friends and family.

Sunrise on the Northumberland coast at Duridge Bay

Sunrise on the Northumberland coast at Duridge Bay

Where is your favourite place to take pictures and why?

I don’t have a specific place other than most coastal locations. I also enjoy visiting and photographing wildlife at nature reserves, RSPB sites and the beautiful area around the Wirral.

Wirral Globe: St Mary's lighthouse, Whitley BaySt Mary's lighthouse, Whitley Bay (Image: Reader pic)

What is your favourite subject matter and why?

My favourite subjects are nature, wildlife and landscapes. I enjoy the challenges that come with wildlife photography. Patience, perseverance and quite often, a large slice of luck are required and learning those skills has been a large part of my development, both as a person and as a photographer.

Landscapes bring other challenges, which I also enjoy. Trying to get the perfect angle, the best point of view, the right light and ideal weather conditions that are required to capture images digitally, exactly what my eyes are seeing, can be very challenging. Amateur photographers quickly learn that the impressive, awe inspiring and photogenic view that you encounter on a walk doesn't always transfer to the flat screen of a phone or computer. Being able to capture the elements of a picture that make it so amazing, so interesting to the eye, is one of the skills I'm trying to develop.

Male house sparrow taken in Storeton village

Male house sparrow taken in Storeton village

What do you enjoy about being part of the Wirral Globe Camera Club?

I enjoy the camaraderie of being a member of the camera club. I also appreciate the advice that members offer and the knowledge that the more experienced members of the club are happy to share with younger and lesser experienced members, like myself.

The tree canopy at Storeton Woods

The tree canopy at Storeton Woods

If you could photograph anyone/any place/anything, who/what would it be?

I would love to photograph the landscapes and the classical architecture in Italy. I would love to visit Rome, Florence and Venice to capture the amazing architecture, public spaces and monuments. Then I would move to Tuscany to photograph the landscapes, the natural beauty and the amazing light that the area is famous for.

If you would like to appear in our Behind the Lens feature, email heidi.summerfield@newsquest.co.uk

If you would like to join Wirral Globe Camera Club, visit facebook.com/groups/wirralglobecameraclub

READ MORE: Wirral Globe Camera Club member Hugh McLaughlan loves to showcase the beauty of the local area