AS he waited for an ambulance to arrive for his terminally-ill wife Julie, who was having seizures, Andy Shute said he was “astonished” at the horrendous delay.

After making an initial telephone call, 58-year-old Andy was told an ambulance had been dispatched, but some 30 minutes later, the couple were still waiting.

Andy dialled 999 again and was told again that an ambulance was on its way - but ten minutes later, a paramedic turned up at their home instead.

He immediately radioed to find out the where the ambulance was, only to be told none were currently available.

After his wife showed signs of a fresh seizure, a further call was made by the paramedic, who was told an ambulance would be “at least 75 minutes”.


No wonder Andy was astonished.

And now we have told his story, the rest of Wirral will be too.

And you can add “appalled” and “outraged” to the list.

No matter what excuse the Northwest ambulance service comes up with, this was totally unacceptable.

If the warring politicians vying for our votes could only stop their bellowing for a second, they should have a look at Andy and Julie’s life-threatening predicament.

Then tell us all what the hell they intend to do about it.